Your Executive

The P&C Executive are voluntary office bearers who give up their time to support the P&C Committee and the school. They are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Your current executive are;

President: Sahna Thomson                 

Treasurer: Julian Lenthall                   

Secretary: Linda Schlagmueller         

Vice President: Laura Shapiro            

VP Sustainability: Alex Huisman       

VP Technology: Jal Milne                    

There are many wonderful people who play a role in making our Bondi Beach Public School P&C successful and they are not all on the executive team. They are the people who turn up to the meetings, volunteer their skills and knowledge, suggest ideas, give feedback, come to our events, set up and pack down, the list is endless!

We are only as strong as all the helping hands contribute to our amazing P&C.  Thank you all for your continued support; and know by doing so, you are adding immeasurably to creating a positive school experience for your child and helping maintain that vibrant Bondi Beach community that we all so enjoy being a part of.

Some of our wonderful P&C team: Bianca Batalha, Current President Sahna Thomson, Former President Rob Keldoulis (2014-2023), Vice President & Events Laura Shapiro