Do you have gluten free options?
Yes we do. We always have gluten free options available. Gluten free breads, pastas and range of gluten free snacks.
What if my child has allergies?
Please notify the canteen staff if your child has any allergies or special dietary requirements.
Why do you have paid staff?
Running a canteen five days a week is a big undertaking. To provide a reliable service it is essential to haver a mixture of paid staff and volunteers.
How do I volunteer?
Mums, dads, grandparents, carers… we welcome all volunteers to our canteen. Drop by the canteen for a chat or drop us an email at
Do you have healthy options?
We like to think that all of our food is healthy. At the canteen we specialise in making most menu item fresh each morning. We follow the traffic light system of healthy eating – providing just green (everyday) and amber (select carefully) foods.
How can we order?
We open everyday from 8.45am until 9.15 for over the counter orders, but we highly recommend for ease that you use the QKR app.
For over the counter orders please provide these details. Name…. Class…. Recess/lunch…Order:
We also believe that it’s a great treat to give your child dollar or two every now and then to buy themselves something from the canteen. The kids love the extra responsibility and it provides a small life instruction of having to keep the money safe and paying for food themselves.
What is Qkr!
Qkr! is an app available for use on Apple and Android devices or desktop that allows you to order and pay for items from the canteen or uniform shop quickly and easily using your credit card.
Follow this link to download a brochure on Qkr! It is very user-friendly that only takes a couple of minutes to set up your family and credit or debit card details. Then every time you want to order from the canteen or uniform shop, all you do is open the app, select the child you’re ordering for, select your choices from the menu and swipe for payment. It really is that straight forward.
Qkr! is a Commonwealth Bank Mastercard payment portal.
What if my child forgets to take their recess snack or lunch to school?
At BBPS we never let a child go hungry. If your child forgets their food, or if their teacher notices they have nothing to eat, the teacher will take the child to the canteen and they will be given a simple sandwich and/or fruit. A note will be sent home with them explaining what happened and asking you to pay for the menu item.